
STEAM: The Value of the Curriculum at our All Girls School in Toronto

The Bishop Strachan School is where discovery ignites learning. Our all girls school represents the powerful, successful and change-making futures of our  students. With a carefully designed curriculum to challenge our students while also allowing them to develop their unique individual strengths, BSS students learn confidence, leadership and resilience.
We understand that choosing a school for your child is a family decision, which is why we have outlined the value students and families can expect from our STEAM curriculum. Continue reading below to discover the benefits of the academics at our school.

Our STEAM Curriculum Fosters Student Creativity

One way that students express their creativity through our STEAM curriculum is through the interdisciplinary design projects they experience daily. Whether they are collaborating in the classroom or innovating through student club participation, they are expanding their knowledge and discovering how to solve problems at every turn. 

Our design technology labs at BSS are a space for all students to learn, create and design. To see technology in a new light is to open new doors for students and give them the opportunity to pursue their passions. Our Grade 11 student, Janice, put it perfectly when she said, “I didn’t know technology could be so closely related to art. Even though people use computers to draw, it was really different to be creative using computer coding.” Thanks to our advanced STEAM curriculum, we are able to empower students in all fields of study, sending more than one third of our graduates into similar university programs.

Tackling Real-World Problems at Our All Girls School

With an emphasis on variety in our curriculum, BSS students also learn how to address real-world problems and derive valuable solutions during their time at our all girls school. Exciting things happen when young minds learn how to combine science, technology, engineering, the arts and math.

A great example of this comes from our Grade 7 students, who were given the challenge to determine what makes an optimal birdhouse. Our students learned about particle theory and heat transfer in science, while in math, they focused on shapes, measurement and scale. They were exposed to elements of the arts and engineering while watching a nature documentary called “Birdnest” to understand the different materials and tactics birds use to build their nests based on their environment and needs. Applying theories and processes from each stage of the project, students learned how to implement their new knowledge and defend their reasoning for choosing their design.

STEAM Curriculum Helps Graduates Succeed

We prioritize student success at BSS, but academic and personal growth doesn’t stop at graduation. We strive to set our students up with the specific skills, experiences and perspectives that will help them thrive as leaders during their future endeavours. Our graduates do just that, pursuing an incredible range of studies, in fields as diverse as engineering, medicine, commerce, and the performing arts, at universities across North America and globally.

Ashley HE, ‘20, went on to pursue Astronomy at Wellesley College. “One of the most important skills that BSS helped me develop was my confidence, thanks to the amazing support I received in our small classes and the plethora of engagement opportunities. Whether you are into sports, performing arts or something in between, there is something here for you and you're in the optimal environment to flourish." As she stated, the STEAM curriculum combined with a nurturing and supportive environment is what helps her and our other BSS graduates succeed.